PrairieDraw.js Developer Manual

Other sources of information are the Reference Manual, the User Manual, and the Sylvester Docs for vectors and matrices.

Coding style

We use standard JavaScript prototypal inheritance for the objects.

Instance variables and member functions starting with an underscore are understood to be private and for internal use only. Apart from this, we follow Java naming conventions.

We use JSDoc for inline documentation (particularly jsdoc-toolkit).

draw() and redraw()

The user-supplied anonymous function in the constructor call is bound to the member function draw(). This should not generally be called explicitly, however. Instead, redraw() should be called, which is overridden by the PrairieDrawAnim child.

Coordinate systems

There are three coordinate systems used: Dw is drawing coordinates and is used for positions and vectors, Px is pixel coordinates and is used for line widths, arrow sizes, etc, and Nm is normalized coordinates for referencing locations within the viewport. The transformation from Dw to Px is stored in the _trans instance variable. This is an affine transformation matrix (using homogeneous coordinates). The transformation matrix is pushed/popped from a transformation stack by save()/restore().

To convert from Dw to Px coordinates we use pos2Px (for positions) and vec2Px (for vectors). The vector transformation only uses the linear part of the affine transformation. The inverse transforms are pos2Dw and vec2Dw. Similarly, posNm2Dw and posNm2Px convert normalized coordinate positions to the other coordinate systems.

All PrairieDraw functions should leave the 2D Canvas coordinate system unmodified, so we should do a and _ctx.restore() around any canvas coordinate transformations.

In the code, variables are suffixed with either Dw, Px, or Nm to indicate which coordinate system they are in.

Properties, colors, and options

Drawing properties are stored in the _props instance variable object and pushed/popped from a stack by save()/restore(). Properties include colors to indicate standard types of objects. Object drawing functions (like rod(), pivot(), etc.) should set all appropriate style and color properties from _props data and should clear them before exit.

Options stored in the _options instance variable object are for user-created options. These are not push/popped by save()/restore(), as they need to persist across multiple draw() invocations.

Calling setOption() or setProp() triggers a redraw().


There are three times used for animation by the PrairieDrawAnim child class: wall-time in milliseconds, animation time in milliseconds, and animation time in seconds.

Animation is implemented using requestAnimationFrame(), which calls _callback() with the wall-time in milliseconds. We offset by the _timeOffset instance variable to obtain the current animation time in milliseconds. This allows for the animation to be paused and restarted without skipping. The _startFrame instance variable set to true when animation begins, which triggers the recalculation of _timeOffset.

The _drawTime instance variable stores the animation time in milliseconds of the last draw() call, for use by redraw() when the animation is not running.

The user-supplied draw(t) function is called with time t being the animation time in seconds.